This is the one of the most pre dominate feature of the village economic and its plays a vital role in beginning about
economic self sufficiently in rural population in the project area the tribal are not aware of the importance of indigenous
sustainable agricultural method and also lack of water leads them to in sufficient harvest most of the lands owned lie as waste land due
to uneven land pattern organization was laid on creative of Rain water harvesting structure along with capacity building intervention of
farmers through extending support to promote seeds banks. As a result to the above efforts it has been notice that the agricultural
of land of the farmers is increase. They could be able to run off water for the harvesting season. Reduced top soil erosion and created
water bodies in the programme village of Organization.
Cultural activities IS the major programme of organization. Series of meeting,training, workshop etc organized by our team
to develop caracity building and improvement of culture and awareness message spread to society related to different Govt.
Scheme and others traditional art and culture. Every year organization celebrates different Govt. scheme And others traditional art
and culture. Every year organization celebrates different functional related to cultural by the assistance of Deptt. of Culture. During this year our
organization attend the Nadia Parwan — 2019 at Krushna Nagar, Kolkatta and awarded by the All India Folk Festival.
In the process of rural poverty alleviation one should empower the unalterable section that is women. In fact the burden of
inequitable development would seem to be disproportional shouldered by women in house hold and also at community level. It has
been recognized and serious efforts are being made to increase the statuesque of women socio-economic and politically which intimately leads
there positive development formation of strength thinking women organization at various levels in the community is the prime programme of the
reporting period. The main aim of these organizational building is to create an environment for women of the project area to growth in their own
To build up a healthy society everybody thinks about a healthy family. These families are to be taken care on the health point
of view, so various measures have been taken up by out Govt. to build up a healthy family. The projects like population controls,
STD, RTI, RCH, now being implemented in our society but in the villages the people are not aware about his programmes. In order
to rich with the people, we organize various :amp of family welfare and discussed in details about the various aspects of 'amity
health. The problems and solutions have been discussed and teach the vomen groups of the society regarding the health hazards and
its bad impact in their body if they will not concuss.
COUNCIL. ODISHA initiated its economic programs with more concentration on women economic empowerment with definite objectives. In its
tenure of life it formed and strengthened around fifly groups and approximately 230 nos. of women were involved in it.Promotion of SHGs
particularly women groups are leading towards women's economic liberation.
In the process regular meetings have been organized to enhance the membership of the groups Series of capacity building programs were
organized to enhance functional skills of the groups so that they could effectively manage the ventures. Series attempts were made to
channelize loan to the groups.